End of GSoC 2.0
My second innings of Google Summer of Code comes to an end. I have learned a lot of things. There is still some work left which I will complete after my exams. The link to my summer internship report is https://gist.github.com/debashish05/e1ec288a81d77e0fe61cbf336d147109 . I have learned a lot of things from my mentors and develop an inclination towards research. Works Done during this period: 1) RRPlugins have been integrated with Libroadrunner. So we don't require a separate build for rrplugins. Earlier this task was achieved in my last year project. But the problem is the change in roadrunner will force the plugins to need to rebuild, which is not the case now. 2) Build time will reduce since the plugins and roadrunner are not interdependent. Updated all the plugins (https://github.com/sys-bio/rrplugins/tree/master/plugins/released), in the current system. Earlier these plugins were not working due to outdated wrapper and some minor bugs. 3) Updated Python wrapper for r...