Moved addNoise plugin to the new architecture
So finally I have moved on to the architecture system that I have developed. Where a change in the host doesn't need to rebuild plugins and change in the plugin didn't need to rebuild host. It is supposed to be the same but the earlier host consist of two different projects and one project has a dependency over others. Let's denote it by two projects A and B with plugin C. Now B is dependent on A and if the functionality of A is used by plugin and A gets changed then the whole system needs to rebuild. The main problem was to maintain backward compatibility and not to break anything.
We need to remove this dependency thing and made it simple between hosts and plugins. I also modified some plugins to work in the new architecture.
Now I looking to port old plugins to the new system. Around 3 weeks are left for the final submission and I am also left with the optimizer and moving old plugins to the new architecture.
One of the examples of plugin added to the new system.
>>import roadrunner
>>import rrplugins as tel
>>rr = roadrunner.RoadRunner()
>>data = rr.simulate(0, 10, 511)
>>noisePlugin = tel.Plugin ("tel_add_noise")
>>d = tel.getDataSeries (data)
>>noisePlugin.InputData = d
>>noisePlugin.Sigma = 3.e-6
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